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Minutes of the special meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday, May 1, 2012. Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Robert Mitchell, Joseph Borst, Thomas Catalina, Robert Edwards, Rick Matschke, Peter Samoskevich. Absent: Anthony D’Angelo, James Juliano, Roger Letso.

Also Present: Clerk of the Works William Knight, Public Works Director Fred Hurley, Morganti representative Mark Schweitzer and field supervisor Chuck Blaszko, Fletcher Thompson representative Joseph Costa, Kaestle Boos principal Chuck Boos and architect Jennifer Mangiagli, Ron Bathrick and Brian Wetzel of CES.

Public Participation. None noted.

Minutes. Upon motion of Mr. Samoskevich, the minutes of the regular meeting of March 27, 2012 were unanimously accepted as presented.

Town of Newtown Projects. Mr. Hurley noted that the energy service proposals have been received. Mr. Edwards will review the Celtic Energy proposal. On May 14 interviews will be held with Mr. Matschke from the Commission as well as Mr. Hurley, the Sustainable Energy Commission, Board of Ed Director of Grounds and Maintenance Gino Faiella, Town Engineer Ron Bolmer and Finance Director Bob Tait. Mr. Mitchell noted that Mr. Matschke and Mr. Letso are the subcommittee reviewing the energy saving project. Mr. Hurley noted that an investment grade audit will be held before the project commences. CL&P issued the RFP today for solar arrays on the Middle School. The bidders’ meeting is May 21.  

High School Expansion Project. Mr. Schweitzer noted that there are five open items (Attachment A to original minutes). Action Air has indicated that they completed all of their items. Mr. Costa said that Fletcher Thompson will review this claim. Mr. Mitchell noted that the Commission has requested a complete commissioning by an independent contractor, but it is not known if the town will agree that this will be done. RTU 3 ductwork is being coordinated and should be done within the next two weeks. The bleacher issue is a warranty issue which will be addressed by changing out hardware to make handicap seating in the first two rows; this will be done by May 8. The plaque has been sent out for final approval before casting is done. Floor boxes in the gym were delivered today and should be installed when they are received. A lower ramp in the floor will be used to meet the ADA requirements. The four items (except for the plaque) should be completed this month. Mr. Costa has no other outstanding items. Mr. Knight said that the girls’ scoreboard power item has not been resolved; Mr. Schweitzer will look into this and provide a cost to reconnect the power service.  This is on a critical path for completion. The O&M manuals have been received and training has been documented. Paperwork for reimbursement was sent to the State Bureau of School Facilities last month per Mr. Costa. We will not get a final C of O until the Fire Marshal’s items are all addressed, including the area of refuge auto-dialer system.

Review of Applications for Payment – High School Expansion Project

Drywall Associates, Inc., invoice # 19039 in the amount of $3,875.00.

County Electric Construction, Inc. invoice #23299 in the amount of $1,058.00.

C-CO Consulting, Inc. invoice #1230 in the amount of $290.00.

These invoices were for work on the dance room ceiling revisions.

Mr. Samoskevich moved to recommend payment of the above invoices. ~Mr. Borst seconded motion. ~All were in favor.

Morganti Application #34 in the amount of $155,851.15.  Mr. Borst moved to recommend payment. ~Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion. ~All were in favor.
Middle School Roof. Final as builts have been received. The project has been completed.  All paperwork has been submitted to the Town for reimbursement from the State.

Hawley School HVAC Project. Mr. Boos distributed and discussed “Newtown Hawley School Boiler Replacement & Infrastructure Upgrading Phase One Draft Boiler Replacement, Installation of a Ducted HVAC System and Related Renovation in the 1948 Section:” dated May 1, 2012 (Attachment B to original minutes).

We are in Phase 0 of the project which is the Facility Assessment portion of the services.  This will define the approaches available for further development.

Boiler replacement and HVAC in the 1948 section is recommended as the initial project development, with renovations proceeding on a vertical basis as one project. This will minimize disruptions as subsequent phases are constructed.  The renovations should begin in the summer of 2013.

The 1997 section is partially air conditioned; installing air conditioning in the rest of the 1997 section will be considered as an alternate to identify the costs involved.

Ms. Mangiagli is the project architect. She distributed and discussed “Code Analysis/Existing Conditions Report Newtown Hawley Elementary School Draft” dated May 1, 2012 (Attachment C to original minutes). There are items that do not meet fire code now for existing buildings. The Fire Marshal and Building Official reviewed the plans and said that these items will be addressed.  There is movement in the brick in the 1948 building and some cracking of the lintels. Parts of the roof on the 1997 building requires constant repair. It is not known how much asbestos is in the building but the report is being prepared. Mr. Boos does not feel that there are PCB’s due to the construction dates. Mr. Boos recommends sprinklers, though they are not required by current code.  With State reimbursement and potential lower insurance costs, this could have a short term payback period.

Mr. Wetzel distributed and discussed “Hawley Elementary School Boiler Plant Options Draft” dated May 1, 2012. (Attachment D to original minutes). CES recommends converting from steam to hot water and two new boilers located in the 1948 section.  This will allow redundancy in heating should one of the boilers be out of service.  This is not the case with the current boiler configuration even though there are 4 boilers.  CES is looking at gas rather than oil heat as the primary source. The report discussed four boiler plant options. CO2 sensors are recommended for indoor air quality control. Electrical service to the building will need to be upgraded. There is a zoned fire alarm system. The new mechanical systems will be integrated into a Building Management System (BMS) allowing form monitoring and control from a central location.  This can be incorporated into a town wide or school wide system.

Mr. Boos presented and discussed “Newtown Hawley School Boiler Replacement & Infrastructure Upgrading Draft Code Compliance and Renovation Rationale for the Original 1921 Section of the Building: dated May 1, 2012 (Attachment E to original minutes). This report discussed upgrading this building to achieve required accessibility code compliance. The current K-2 room in the 1921 building does not meet current building or fire codes since the floor is below the exit grade.  This will need to need addressed through realignment and upgrading of the fire stairs. Grades K through two must have separate egress from older children. Upgrading the 1921 building to the accessibility requirements will include a new elevator in the knuckle area and a change in the corridors to align the floors. The 1921 section should be recognized as a project that will take more than one summer. This would be Phase 3.

Mr. Boos feels that we are running a little behind with Phase 0 due to the scope required, but this is not affecting the potential dates to release the documents for bid or the construction schedule.

The 1948 section will be bid separately from the 1921 section.  The 1997 section will be bid with the 1948 portion.

Mr. Mitchell noted that the vertical approach rather than one floor at a time will represent a cost savings and may allow for reimbursement from the State.

There is evidence of brick/lintel failure on the 1948 building.  On site testing and removal of some bricks is recommended to determine the extent.  Mr. Boos reported that the mason who worked on the Middle School submitted a proposal of $4,500 which Kaestle Boos accepted for the work on the lintels.

Review of Application for Payment.

Kaestle Boos Application #2 in the amount of $36,000.  Mr. Catalina moved to recommend payment. ~Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion. ~All were in favor.

Unfinished Business. Mr. Borst contacted the Legislative Council to request a meeting with the Public Building and Site Commission but they have not yet responded.   Mr. Mitchell will follow up.

New Business None noted.

The next meeting will be on May 22, 2012.
~Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at  8:45.p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk